Git is a version control system used for tracking changes in our computer files. it is generally used for source code management in software development. it is free and open-source version control system used to handle small to very large projects efficiently.
In 2005, Linus Torvalds created Git for the development of the Linux kernel
Features of Git
Tracks history
Free and open source
supports non-linear development
Git is used to tracking changes in the source code.
it allows multiple developers to work together.
it supports non-linear development through its thousands of parallel branches.
Every developer has an entire copy of the code on their local systems. any changes made to the source code can be tracked by others.
Commands in Git
Create Repositories -git init
Make changes add -commit status
Parallel Development -branch merge
Parallel Development branch-merge rebase
Sync Repositories-push/pull/add origin
The Git workflow is divided into three states:
Working directory- Modify files in your working directory.
Staging area ( index )- stage the files and add snapshots of them to your staging area.
Git directory(Repository)- Performs a commit that stores the snapshots premanently to your Git directory. Checkout any existing version, make changes, stage them and commit.
Hope you all are cleared about the Git and how it works!